Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Tuesdays with Utley

So I became of fan of Chase Utley's on Facebook.  Before anyone gets the wrong idea I want to state for the record, no I do not like baseball or any other sport for that matter.  I just want Chase to hug me while we have our shirts off.  I actually did not delight in the Phillies winning the World Series considering I'm one block away from Broad Street.  I wanted to play shooting range with all those damned drunkard Phillies fans in their annoying red shirts that littered my neighborhood for weeks.  The day of the parade I went for a run and got made fun of for doing so by a group of drunk people who I suppose thought it was quite an odd activity to be doing during the middle of the day.  You know being drunk at noon or one on a Friday is totally acceptable in most weeks for me.  Just not when it's a rowdy group of sports fans.  Regardless, back to my crush on Chasey.  I have waited on him before and I see him at my dog park occasionally.  I love him.  I know Lindsay thinks she has dibbs on him if he ever leaves his wife, but I hope she can be distracted by her love of Taylor Swift and pinning her hopes on gay marriage being legalized in PA.  I have a good feeling that if he was to turn to mens, it would be with me.  Oh Chase!

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